Ohh baby it's cold outside!!
I can't speak for my friends below the equator or heck even below the Mason Dixon Line but here in St. Louis it's cold, cold, cold! Too cold to be outside unless you're one of those winter people that loves the bracing air and icicles in your lungs, ok that last part may be an exaggeration, the point is people it's freaking cold outside! I'm originally from the deep south and my blood is thin it's not used to this cold, wet, weather no matter how many years I've lived in St. Louis. The only consolation to cold weather is warm houses and time spent indoors curled up under throw blankets with hot chocolate and marshmallows. My only other consolation is it's reading season! This weeks blog is dedicated to my favorite past time, READING! I know this blog is for Independent Authors and I have quite a line up of those as well but I thought I'd share some of my top picks for November reading along with a short blurb about the book. Who knows maybe you...