Introducing Roxanne April's guest book reviewer!
The Queen of Someday by Sherry D. Ficklin When I first saw this book, I admit I didn't read the description I was totally sucked in by the cover! So I put it on my wishlist and eventually purchased it not really knowing what it was about. When I started reading it some things seemed familiar but I couldn't quite figure it out. More than a few things started resonating in my head. I put the book down and went to look up the book! Once I read the blurb I totally understood what was familiar about it. I am a history major so I do enjoy historical fictions! I was originally thinking this book was a fantasy but when I made the connection between Princess Sophie and Catherine the Great it was clear this wasn't a fantasy but historical fiction! So of course I am doing you the favor of making the connection before you read if you are like me and a sucker for a beautiful cover! Now that is out of the way, this book is great! I am not the most knowledgeable when it comes to Ca...