Interview with Merrie Destefano and GIVEAWAY

Book Info: Book Title: Lost Girls Author: Merrie Destefano Release Date: 1/3/17 Genre: YA contemporary, YA psychological thriller, YA dark contemporary Purchase Link: I wanted to kick things off with a fun question, so what is your favorite book of 2016 so far? A: Easy answer! Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I love that book so much! How do you come up with the names for your characters? A: That's a great question, because I actually hid an Easter egg in the names of some characters in this book. I happen to love the TV series Roswell . So I took the main character's name, Max Evans, and used in it in the last names of two characters. Rachel Evans and Lauren Maxwell. As far as the other characters go, first I figure out what year my characters would have been born. Then I go to a site that lists popular names for that year. I scroll through the lists and choose the names I lik...