The Story of Hong Gildong a Korean Folktale
You've probably seen the cover for this new translation all over the internet by now and I'm pleased to say that we got our hands on a copy from the author himself Minsoo Kang. The Kirkus Reviews says "If you read only one book about courageous Korean Outlaws this should be the one". Now in case you missed the big circular icon on the front cover this is a new translation of a very old, very epic, Korean Folktale. Hong Gildong is to the Koreans what Jesse James is to Americans. He's the Robin Hood of their culture and in true Korean style the story is epic and the language is dramatic. Take for example the scene of Gildong's birth. 'And so time passed, through ten lunar months, until a day came when a tempest blew, fierce rain poured down, and a fragrant air filled the house. Chunseom gave birth to a precious boy whose face was the color of snow and whose pres...