Will you make a deal with the Devil????

I received this arc through Net Galley....

HellRaisers By Alexander Gordon Smith

 I am currently starting his Escape from the Furnace series based on the recommendation of my son. But I saw this title while browsing Net Galley this morning and I thought this looks good, I think I will! Of course I had forgotten Wrainbeau wanted me to review a couple scary books for October so this choice turned out to be perfect.

Marlow is a troublemaker and he starts off this book getting caught causing damage to the Principal's car, but he has asthma and is a bit of coward! However, his best friend Charlie always has his back. Except this time Marlow runs from one trouble straight into fire. He stumbles across Pan and Herc fighting some kind of demonic machines! Instead of running away though Marlow jumps right into the fray and helps save their lives.

Marlow doesn't want to fight demons and die a horrible death so he opts to return to his life even if it is in shambles, except the demons aren't letting him go... He ends up being rescued by Pan and Herc, and both Charlie and Marlow are again offered the chance to become Engineers. Marlow edges Charlie out thinking it will protect his friend.

Pan and Herc take Marlow to the Engine, the dark pool of evil that makes deals except when you make a deal you have 6 hundred and sixty-six hours in which to enjoy whatever deal you made before Hell comes to collect your soul. The Hellraisers have found a way around that by using Lawyers to break the contracts before they become fulfilled.

So your interested right...  well I am not going to say anymore because you have to read this book once it comes out.  The expected date is December 1st, 2015 so seriously add this to your want/need have to go buy list.
I mean it once I started reading this I couldn't put it down, it reminded me a tad of Shutter not that the books are similar just the same kind of feeling. Like taking something old and putting such a fresh new spin on it that you are just blown away and want more of it.  That's how I felt about this book I just wanted more, it made me smile, laugh, get mad, sad, and a whole range of feels!


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