Review of A Million Times Goodnight by Kristina McBride

A Million Times Goodnight by Kristina McBride

Thank you to Sky Pony Press for a couple of this book in exchange for a fair review.

Hadley borrows her boyfriend's car on the night of the one year anniversary of her best friend's death. He then posts a naked picture of her on Facebook, and when Hadley runs up into the tower to think, she runs into her ex-boyfriend Josh.

She then invites him to go to the party with her and as they are leaving an accident almost occurs and the path diverges. In one path Hadley, Brooklyn, Josh and Mia all head to Cincinnati to plan the ultimate revenge on Ben for posting that picture, in the other they all go to the party.

So in different paths, the same things unfold in a different timeframe. Hadley finds that her boyfriend is upset about more than the car, and then secrets start coming to light.

So I know I was vague but spoilers, come on now you know me by now. What I will say is I loved this, I admit I was intrigued when I saw that it was compared to Sliding Doors, which I love. It is the only movie I love with what's her name in it. I wasn't sure that I would love this, and I admit when it goes to different paths you have to be paying attention it took me two chapters to catch on. So just so you know it starts off all on one timeline when it seems like they are going to hit a car it then switches between paths.

I loved the friendships in this book, loved them! Hadley was okay she grew on me as the book went on. I wasn't sure about Josh he was frustrating in both paths, and Ben was just well I can't say too much about him, but yeah..

I couldn't stop reading this, I had to see how it would end I was on the edge of my seat until the very end.  


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