Review: The Blind by A.F. Brady

The Blind by A.F. Brady

Thank you to Netgalley and Park Row Books for a copy of the eARC in exchange for a fair review.

Sam is psychologist at inpatient psychiatric hospital. They are receiving a new patient that everyone is more than a little nervous about working with. He doesn't speak, and he was in prison for a number of years.

Richard is a challenge one Sam is determined to unlock, and the as she learns more about him, she begins to look deeper at her own life. Because what most people don't know is Sam is a mess, she is drunk more often than not, and her boyfriend is more than a little abusive.

As her life begins to spiral out of control she wonders if Richard is really in need of help, or if everything will fall apart before she can save herself.

For a long time I wondered what the point of this story was, and to be honest it isn't what I normally like for a thriller. However, for what it is I loved it when I finally got the story. It is a story of redemption, of facing one's life and picking yourself up and moving on.

Sam isn't always very likable, but as you get to know her and understand her, you begin to cheer her on and hope that there is a happy ending. I am not going to say much as to why I don't think this a thriller, because I don't do spoilers. I can say that you will probably get to understand what the book is really about if you don't go in expecting some on the edge of your seat whodunit. 


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