The French Girl by Lexie Elliott

Thank you to Netgalley and Berkley for a copy of the eARC in exchange for a fair review.

Kate is working on keeping her business afloat, and be bitter about her life when the past suddenly comes back with a vengeance. Ten years ago, she went on a holiday with six friends to a farmhouse in France. It was a wonderful week except at the end, and right after they left the neighbor disappeared. At the time she thought nothing of it, and she believed that none of her friends could have anything to do with it.

Or could they have? Suddenly Caro is acting like they are great friends and acting like they have something to hide about that trip. It doesn't help that a french detective is back investigating it and everyone seems to think things point to Kate. But Kate knows she was drunk and passed out, and for the most part she really believes that none of her friends had anything to do with it until she confronted by the evidence and she is caught up in trying to figure it out before it is too late.

If you are looking for a thrill ride, this isn't it, but that aside I loved this book. Not so much for the mystery aspect. It was so character driven and so rich in the story that even though I had a pretty good idea of what was going to be happen and who the culprit was I still couldn't put it down. I mean I loved Kate, telling this story from her perspective was the right thing to do. She is so no nonsense, and such a straight shooter that even when you entertain the idea that she is guilty you dismiss it right away.

I also have to say that I love Lara and Kate, their friendship is like a friendship we should all have. I would read another book with just them in it. I did like Tom and the romance, even though at times I really wanted to bash his head in, but still he came through in the end. Caro, and to some degree Seb really kind of deserve each other. No spoilers there, just my thoughts on those two in general. I am just frankly surprised that some of the people thought decent things about either of them.

The mystery was a bit predictable, and isn't something that keeps you on the edge of your seat guessing who and what happened, but it was an interesting and compelling story. In a way I liked it because it wasn't like all the other books out currently that try to make you think every one did it before revealing something shocking. There were characters that you just knew shortly into the story were not capable of it at all, and sometimes it is just rewarding to know that you weren't wrong on your judgement.


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