The Girl the Sea Gave Back by Adrienne Young

I won this in a goodreads giveaway. Thank you to St.Martin's Press and Goodreads for a copy of the ARC in exchange for a fair review.

This is available for pre-order, release date Sept 3rd.

Tova can't remember her people she knows that the tried to sacrifice her, because that is what Jorrand has always told her. But when one of the chieftains commits an act of war behind the main chieftains back she knows things are about to change. Especially when she sees destruction in the runes, and the runes never lie to her.

Halvard is advocate for peace, but his people know that war is coming. So when the meeting for reparations goes horribly wrong he is not surprised. Except for the girl, the one with all the Kyrr markings.

I am going to leave that there I probably gave away too much anyway. I adored Sky in the Deep and when I originally marked this to read I thought it would be in the same vein. It is similar with Vikings and runes and myths, but I just didn't love this one as much as I thought I would. It is good, compelling story, great mythology, but I didn't connect to any of the characters and really didn't feel anything as stuff was happening.

I have feelings on other things, but I won't say anything because of spoilers. I think this is worth reading and others may love it more than I did. I still look forward to the author's next book. 


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