Blow it Up!

The War of Two Queens (Blood And Ash, #4)The War of Two Queens by Jennifer L. Armentrout
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


In true JLA fashion book 4 of the Flesh and Fire series blows up the entire world building in book 1-3. It's beautiful and terrifying destruction leaving us readers reeling on the edge of our sanity! Ahh! She makes it hurt so good!!
Everything you thought you knew and everything you thought was evil gets turned upside down.
Foes turn into friends and family become foes. As everyone races to understand the prophecy and unravel the mystery there's a darker foe lying in wait. Popstar and Co. Are tested beyond their limits and a surprising ally arrives at the last minute to lend a helping hand.
Popstar and Co. Win one battle only to discover they haven't even begun to fight the war!
Five stars 🌟 for this latest installment in the Flesh and Fire series!!

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